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Metro Investigating Non-Injury Accidents Again

Metro is now showing up to non-injury accidents again. This is great news for the Las Vegas Valley, but remember just because you do not feel that you are injured at the time, does not mean that an injury did not occur as a result of the accident. Many car accident victims do not feel like they are injured at the time of the wreck due to shock and surprise of the incident. It is not until some time later that they realize they are hurt. If you are in an accident, do not make any statements indicating you were at fault. Also, make sure to obtain a copy of the report Metro makes at the scene as well as obtaining the other driver’s drivers license and insurance information. If you, or anyone you know is in a traffic accident contact Thunder Law immediately at 702.706.3323 so that your rights are protected and you are fully compensated for any injuries you sustain.
